Advanced Modeling with BPMN DEMO

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Estimated time: 7 hours
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  • Learn the BPMN 2.0 standard with PNA’s Best Practices.
  • Understand modeling decisions, naming conventions, and best practices.
  • Engage in process-modeling exercises to apply what you've learned.
    • Video time: 30 min
    • Exercises and Final Quiz: 6.5 hours

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    What's included?

    • 7 Modules
    • 12 Videos
    • 18 Exercises
    • 4 Submissions with Feedback
    • 10 Knowledge Checks
    • 15 eBooks
    • Final Quiz
    • Certification

    Become a Modeler

    You will learn how to model business processes using PNA's best practice. 

    Get Certified

     You will receive a certificate of completion when finishing the course.

    Watch. Practice. Learn.

    Learn on the go

    This course is specifically developed for busy business professionals. Finding enough time for traditional learning methods such as extensive books or long workshops is not always feasible. This is where we come in. We have divided our course into bite-sized video tutorials. 

    Practical approach

    In this course, we will guide you step-by-step through BPMN concepts using practical examples and quiz questions. Our focus is on practical application so you can confidently use BPMN in your business.

    Focus on best practice

    Process modeling is an essential tool for communicating and improving business processes, but the full BPMN classification can be overwhelming, PNA has compiled a subset of symbols that can address 99% of real-world scenarios. The main goal of PNA's best practice is to optimize the time invested in learning and using the notation, with a focus on the most essential and commonly used symbols.